Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Teddy Bear Vs. Islam

 I overheard the news story a few days ago, about a british woman who was doing work teaching kids in africa, and had let the class choose a name for the class teddy bear. They chose the name muhammad, after a boy in the class that everyone thought was funny. then what followed was the usual - muslims getting pissed off. I thought, "man, how stupid." then forgot about it. but today at like 8am putting my shoes on to go to work I turned on CNN and they were covering the story.

take a look at the story here if you are unfamiliary with it.

So what I see are Muslims taking to the streets, shouting, carrying swords, some prominant muslims calling for the teacher's execution. Now,  you all already know my opinion on Islam (and that is: BLOW ME), and that's not what this anger-filled rant is about... What I'm angry about is what followed in response, just as it always does: The teacher backs down 100% saying "I have the topmost respect for Islam, and it was an absolute accident, I would never knowingly offend anyone." and various public officials step in and go on TV relaying her message to the public there, so that muslims will try to forgive and move on, all the while all the officials have the maximum shit-eating apologetic tone.

WRONG! WRONG!! THIS IS NOT THE INTELLIGENT RESPONSE!! How much longer are we the civilized world going to allow Islam to grow as a threat to all of the modern world? We are just going to continue to ignore and not understand how vile their religion actually is, and try to just keep it out of sight and mind until they get pissed off about something in the streets, and then we cower back completely out of great fear because we have seen all the murders and carbombings muslims have performed in the line of duty?

I can PROMISE you that if the teacher named the teddy bear Jesus, and christians protested and let them know that they felt disrespected, most people would probably brush it off, shrugging and saying, "whatever, it's just a bear, you can't please everyone." You know why? because Christians aren't on TV every day waving swords in the street, burning effigies, leaving carbomb craters in the streets, or calling for the execution of any public official they deem as offensive to their religion. I mean fuck, do I actually have to defend Christianity to prove this point? Is that just how retarded muslims are?

The difference? ISLAM ITSELF IS THE THREAT. While not different from all other religions in the sense that is comprised of all made-up stories and crazy superstitions, islam distinguishes itself as being sickly violent towards women, nonbelievers, apostates, and anyone who is not muslim. Direct commands from the pages of their "holy" texts.

The civilized world, global community, needs to acknowledge this fact and stop being apologetic to islam just because "they are scary." I agree, they scare the shit out of me, but this is not the right response to these type of situations. the same thing happened over the last two years with the danish cartoons depicting muhammad. Muslims took to the streets of all cities that had publications that ran the cartoons, and very soon all of the publications and even city officials stepped out and said "OK, we are sorry, we didnt realize, we won't print them anymore", and you had cnn covering the story, and when they showed the comic on-screen, it was simply a big black square because CNN WAS SCARED TO SHOW IT THEMSELVES.

This is the wrong reaction. The best action the teacher could have taken, is to deliver a televised speech addressed to the muslim community, as follows: "Dear Muslims, I never wanted to knowingly offend anyone by my simple teddy bear naming game with my class. But, having learned of your incomprehensibly ignorant response to my naming of a teddy bear by calling for my execution, I have decided the bear will no longer be named after the boy in our class named muhammad, but he will instead be named muhammad after your so-called illiterate despot prophet . To best reflect this change, I have now fitted him with a turbin, a miniature sword covered in Christian, Jewish, and non-believer blood, a stack of stolen treasures from various pillaged shrines and jewish communities, and his robes are now up around his waist where i have sewn onto him the likeness of a nine year old girl bending over as if getting fucked in the ass by muhammad to reflect his multiple child wives. I have no respect for your childishly ignorant religion, and in the civilized world we don't call for public mob-executions."

The president of the country, Sudan, should then come on and reaffirm her position and provide federal money for her protection, and he should be ready to send commands to his military to uphold the same position if they are needed. All civilized countries of the world should then come on publicly and stand behind them also, diplomatically and militarily.

Islam is filthy, ignorant, vile 7th century superstition that poses a real threat to the entire globe since we have ignored it for so long. Let's grow a spine and fucking stand up against this abhorration of human rights that is a religion. If America really is so keen on their forced "ACCEPT OUR DEMOCRACY NOW" policy like they claim they are (as a false pretense to gain oil), then they would come out and realize we are really at war with Islam.


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