The basic premise is this: Muslims (Muslim men, the women have no rights to make their own choices), having shitty living conditions or desiring more opportunity, move in mass amounts to their neighboring European countries where they have no plan of integrating into society and are encouraged to exploit the social welfare systems which they have no problem doing as they see it as their right to take from the prosperity that non-islamic 'infidels' possess. These transplanted Muslims enjoy remaining free from enforcement of their host country's law because in post-WWII Europe, the politically-correct paranoia of not appearing as discriminatory or racist towards any group is the top priority. Even when a group's practices are blatant violations of human rights such as muslim "honor killing" of their own daughters who get raped because it is "their own fault" and have shamed their family name, European law enforcement authorities turn the other cheek because they don't want to 'discriminate' against 'cultural practices.'
Propagating the matter out of hand is the common practice of importing brides. The male Muslim establishes a life first through the benefits of social welfare, then exploiting European countries' laws encouraging "diversity" and "integration" in immigration, they practically pay the way to import wives and other family members, granting them all kinds of incentives and leniencies to become residents. With no intention of integrating into western society, as it is theologically at odds with their core beliefs, they establish ghetto communities that have grown to the point that effectively shut out westerners in their own lands. White westerners practically can't safely go through these all-muslim colonies and the police as well avoid it entirely.
Bawer highlights the statistics and terrorist events that have occurred in Europe as these Muslim immigrant rates have increased hugely in the last 10 years. He recounts with more truthful bloodiness than the mainstream media ever had the Islamic terrorist attacks of the last 10 years or so. He cites mainstream print and TV media from the times of the attacks which always blame them on poverty and oppression within the Muslim world, never suggesting something is wrong with Islam itself and its corrupt theology. September 11th, Madrid subway bombing, the Russian middle school held hostage for two days that ended in a pile of bodies, the over 100 dead in the Muhammad cartoon fiasco, riots in the streets of paris, burning of embassies, large Muslim congregations and marches in European streets calling for the death of America, Denmark, and democracy, with police standing by idle to not be deemed as racially discriminating.
Make no mistake, Bruce Bawer has absolutely obliterated any remaining doubt anyone might have hung onto about the existence of the Islamic problem in Europe and the west, but I feel like he was really writing two books: How Radical Islam Is Destroying The West From Within, and Why European Countries are Baselessly Anti-American When America is So Much Better.
Every point -no, not point, FACT that Bawer presents about the Muslim Problem is absolutely dead-on and could not be more relevant or more important for everyone in the industrialized nations to read and take serious notice of. Sandwiched in-between the stunningly urgent cries for action against islam that are absolutely solidly rooted in fact in the intro and the ending lies the second book title that I made up, above, where at length he systematically makes a tour in the text of virtually every country of the European Union to highlight their rampant anti-Americanism while addressing their shortcomings behind our "great" America.
During this midsection, the point he makes is not without merit: That European countries consider themselves far elite over the ignorant religious/cowboy-politics of America, and that frequently whenever something goes wrong in European countries it is always blamed on "American-conditions". Basically American is a synonym for "bad" there. This point is taken, that probably these countries take the anti-Americanism too far and just begin to blanketly oppose all things American, but Bawer never addresses any validity behind why people actually have those opinions. There are plenty of reasons to oppose general American opinion and policy or consider oneself anti-American, very good reasons, and that could have been addressed more fairly.
On the count of being a guide for the average European or American to the severity of the Islamic issue, I don't think a better one could be written. I think this book is a fantastic primer especially for Americans who still may deny on some level that Islam itself is anything other than a threat to the entire world with it's 7th-century ignorance.
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